Liverpool Video

Yesterday I went to Liverpool (home of the Beatles) with my friend.  We walk out of the pub where we ate lunch & run into a small group of girls carrying a canvas with I <3 JB painted on it.  Judging from the fact that they are about 13 years old, they are probably not crazy about James Bond, but more likely Justin Bieber.  I naively think that this is an isolated group.  As we near the mall we soon find out this protest is social media planned with the financial backing of their parents.  A hundred tweens swarm the mall with Bieber shrines proudly held above their heads.  Someone was actually holding up a pillow with his face on it.  They coalesce inside and begin singing “Baby” (presumably the calling card of Bieber, his Bat-signal if you will).  This is a group of “Belieber” are celebrating one year since he performed there.  This is the craziest thing I’ve seen here.