
Yesterday I took a trip to Cardiff, Wales with the travel society.  Cardiff is a really nice town on the water, though we never made it to the water due to to long walk.  One of the most noticeable things is that most everything is printed in english and welsh.  It’s a different language but it looks unlike any language I’ve seen.  Cardiff is a large city, the largest in Wales and the capital of Wales.  It was more commercial than I was expecting, but it is a large city.  Cardiff castle is really cool.  It’s the first place we went.  It has a patchwork past and has been owned by many people; this is reflected in the building itself.  Some of it looks like a castle and other parts like a mansion.  I was really excited to see the Cardiff Market.  Markets are always a great place to find local stuff, especially food.  We found a lady selling welsh cakes.  They are like pancakes with fruit inside and covered in sugar, and they are really good.  Their great taste may be due to the cubic food of lard sitting on the counter, but who knows.  Cardiff, like Nottingham, has very old buildings and great architecture in the city center.  It is really foreign to see people not give a second glance to such old, resolute buildings.  There is a compilation of all the photos I took in Cardiff on flickr now (  I will be posting the best photo’s here and the rest there, so as to not leave anything out.  Main Tumblr page