
The Travel Society (Travel Soc)  went to Liverpool on Saturday.  But I didn’t get a ticket in time.  So with a friend, who also didn’t get one, I got up at 5:00 a.m. to catch the 6:40 train.  Such things happen when you miss deadlines.  However, we now had ten and a half hours to see the city as opposed to the five and a half Travel Soc had.  

Liverpool, home of the Beatles.  Just rolls off the tongue.  And that’s where we started, how could we not?  Taking pictures outside the Cavern Club, browsing a memorabilia store, where the avid-fan-owner would probably be just as happy keeping all the merchandise rather than selling it (“Do we want top selling authors? No, we want bottom selling authors”- Portlandia).  Liverpool has huge outdoor mall.  They have the usual: Apple Store, Hollister, Krispy Kreme(!), but also rare treasures like the Lego Store!  I still play with Legos and broke them out during Christmas break.  On display are all the coolest sets (and all expensive), for some undetermined reason all the sets were at waist level.  It’s really inconvenient having to stoop down to gawk.  The rest of the day was spent really wandering the city.   The great thing about all the cities I have visited so far is that you can walk everywhere but also find great places to eat and things to see. (auxiliary photos)